Reaching every child in Georgia with Continuous and Quality Primary Health Care Services
September 14, 2022 Ongoing Projects

Reaching every child in Georgia with Continuous and Quality Primary Health Care Services

Project aim: to strengthen access to quality maternal and child health (MCH) services at the rural PHC level through the introduction of telemedicine services and the establishment of a quality assurance and improvement hub.

  • Project duration: July 2022 - February 2023
  • Project partner: UNICEF
  • Description: In the framework of the project, the UNICEF-supported “Electronic Module of Monitoring Growth and Development Among Children Aged 0-6” will be further enhanced and installed in select PHC clinics across the country. Besides, distance delivery of MCH services will be introduced by building an evidence-based best practice model of digital service delivery. Specifically, the “Electronic Module of Monitoring Growth and Development Among Children Aged 0-6” will be introduced in the 50 selected PHC clinics. At the same time, a platform will be established for the telemedicine network. PHC teams from the 50 clinics will be connected through the telemedicine network. PHC personnel of the 50 clinics will be trained in the application of the newly endorsed Guidelines and Protocols on remote pediatric services; a PHC/MCH service quality management hub, including telemedicine oversight/monitoring, will be established under the auspices of the Georgia Family Medicine Association. The PHC/MCH quality management and telemedicine hub will be provided with respective training and instruments for a smooth performance.
  • Project results: The “Electronic Module of Monitoring Growth and Development Among Children Aged 0-6” has been introduced in 50 PHC facilities throughout Georgia. Telemedicine software for online registration, planning and booking remote visits, decision-making, live videoconferencing, store-and-forward videoconferencing, collection and storage of health data, notifications, reminders, and alerts has been launched in 50 PHC facilities. The Platform for telemedicine network has been established and linked with the “Electronic Module of Monitoring Growth and Development Among Children Aged 0-6”. The PHC/MCH service quality management hub, including telemedicine oversight/monitoring, has been established and its capacity built. PHC personnel from the 50 selected clinics have been trained in the application of the newly endorsed G&Ps on remote pediatric services. Selected specialists have been trained to ensure safety and high quality care provided via telehealth.
  • Project donor: European Union

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